SCS Head2Head
  1. Cash Prizes
  2. You receive 4 new trades each week
  3. The global Leaderboard tracks the top managers
  4. Public Points Leagues available to join
SCS Original
  1. You can start building a team on February 24th
  2. Free to play - Cash prizes
  3. Start with $50Mil. Build a team to compete for most total points over the course of the regular season.
  4. You receive 4 new trades each week
  5. The global Leaderboard tracks the top managers
  6. Free to join Points and H2H Leagues are available. (Leagues do not pay prizes)
SCS Playoffs
  1. You can start building a team on September 1st
  2. Start with $50M in cap space
  3. 4 new trades each week
  4. The global Leaderboard tracks the top managers
  5. $100 Cash to overall winner